Love. Them. ("And No One Can Tell Me Anything Different", indeed.)
To Be Brave And Courageous... And To Speak Out Against A Wave Against You...
Flyin' The Coop
Anderson Cooper comes out as gay. Does it matter? Yes Matt Pearce, Los Angeles Times, July 2, 2012
Step by Step... And Page by Page
Wedding Day Arrives for Kevin Keller
A much-anticipated event in the comics world is upon us — the wedding of Kevin Keller, gay pal of Archie Andrews.
It's 2012... 2012. It is indeed, TIME.
Bravo. BRAVO!!
Magnanimous To The Greedy, No Decency For The Sick
AIDS-Afflicted U.S. Citizen Urges Obama Admin to Reverse Deportation of Australian Husband The Obama administration’s enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act is threatening to tear apart the seven-year marriage of a binational gay couple in San Francisco. Bradford Wells, a U.S. citizen, and Anthony John Makk, an Australian national, have lived together for 19 years and were among the first same-sex couples to legally marry in Massachusetts. Anthony is also the primary caretaker for his husband, who has HIV/AIDS. Makk is facing deportation this month after the Obama administration denied them the same immigration benefits routinely given to opposite-sex couples. The decision is based on the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, the 1996 law known as DOMA, which denies federal benefits to same-sex couples. The Obama administration has said it would no longer defend DOMA in the courts, but the law still remains in effect.
And these fucking politicians have the nerve to ever bring "god" into anything they have to say. What they actually do is a different story. They couldn't be farther from grace. "God Bless"...? Fuck you. Stick that god bless clean up your ass, "mr. president".
I know, I know... He's a "politician". But, it doesn't mean we should sit still for the redundancy. Maybe we should start with altering our expectations... We should expect MORE. We should DEMAND MORE. Because we deserve more. And at the very least, we should expect decency...
Am I angry?
If you'd like to sign a petition speaking out on behalf of Anthony Makk and Bradford Wells, you may do so here.
Silence is compliance.
Quit With The Gay Babies Already
This hysterical (and very true) contribution comes to us from our gorgeous, hottie-pa-tottie correspondent in the field, Nahnie. Her name really isn't "Nahnie", but her name does remind me of one of my beloved nieces, who used to call herself "Nahnie" when she was just a little shit.
If someone took her blanket, she'd yell at the top of her lungs, "NAHNIE'S!!"
And we'd be all like, "Umm... Okay, Satan, here's your blanket back."
And if someone was holding her Puffalump Kitty, she'd contort that sweet, cherub face and bare her three teeth and yell, "Nahnie's! NAHNIE'S MISTER KITTY!!!"
And we'd be all like, "Jesus Christ, here's your fucking kitty." Which she would promptly choke, taking out her frustrations that her little sister had been born.
And if someone pulled in their driveway just to turn around, her little ass would be standing at the door grasping onto her blanket, clutching onto Mister Kitty by the throat, glaring out at the perpetrators yelling, "NAHNIE'S!! NAHNIE'S DRIVEWAY!!"
And they'd speed away with fear in their eyes, frightened that the two foot bride of Chuckie was going to unleash her wrath.
So, Nahnie, thank you for this contribution. Everyone? It's Nahnie's contribution. NAHNIE'S!!!
The "Content of Character"... (Or "Zach Wahls is a Total Badass")
Thank you for this, Lissy.