To Be Brave And Courageous... And To Speak Out Against A Wave Against You...
Smoggy Skies With A Chance of Suffocation
Obama’s ratings sink to new lows
I know, I know; Jobs. It's about jobs.
I know I'm being silly... I'm just wondering what's going to happen when we can't breathe.
I'm thinking that might make work rather difficult.
If you haven't already done so, please tell Barack that he should quit blowing smog:
Through the Environmental Defense Action Fund: Tell President Obama You Are Disappointed with His Decision to Withdraw Science-Based Health Standards for Smog
And through the Sierra Club: Tell Obama to Protect Clean Air
Related post: Big, Scary, Mean Smoke Monster
Flight PIG647 Is In The Air
Of President Obama, John McCain said, "I believe he is a patriot sincerely intent on using his time in office to advance our country's cause. I reject accusations that his policies and beliefs make him unworthy to lead America or opposed to its founding ideals." (source)
WOW, Senator McCain... Do you mind if I call you "Senator"? Because you sound like one... In that good old fashioned way when a title denotes respect. You sound reasonable and logical and humble. And all leader-like. Good timing, old chap. Hopefully some others will follow your lead.