Step by Step... And Page by Page
Wedding Day Arrives for Kevin Keller
A much-anticipated event in the comics world is upon us — the wedding of Kevin Keller, gay pal of Archie Andrews.
It's 2012... 2012. It is indeed, TIME.
Bravo. BRAVO!!
All For One And One For All
Pioneering Comedian Roseanne Barr on Her Life on Screen as a “Working-Class Domestic Goddess” The writer Barbara Ehrenreich once praised Roseanne Barr for representing "the hopeless underclass of the female sex: polyester-clad, overweight occupants of the slow track; fast-food waitresses, factory workers, housewives, members of the invisible pink-collar army; the despised, the jilted, the underpaid."
Because I haven't really watched television very much in the last 25 years, and I probably only saw "Roseanne" a couple of times if that, I wasn't aware of any of this...
A little knowledge for a little perspective.
And Brava, Roseanne, brava!
Glee's Jane Lynch Weds Girlfriend.
Best Wishes for a long, happy life together! Where love may reign before all else...
And just in case you missed it, Jane in "Vogue";
And the video in its entirety.