New Year's Luck

So, during the past few months, there have been some scares in my family. My Sister had been having some symptoms that were mimicking multiple sclerosis and had a doctor that was mimicking a fucking asshole. And my Mother was diagnosed with melanoma on her arm.

We were very, very fortunate in both outcomes and the man in me was "certain" we would be. While the little boy in me wasn't so sure, but shivered quietly and sent desperate prayers out in the air.

If we're "lucky" indeed... And chances are, if you're reading this, you're better off than most people on the planet. So, there is much to be grateful for...

And I try to remind myself of that as often as I can. I don't always succeed in it, but it's well worth trying. And if I don't, life will have a way of reminding me whether I like it or not. So for now, for this very beautiful moment, I'll try to beat life to the punch and remind myself how very lucky I am.

Happy New Year, bishes! I truly hope it's your best one yet.
