Dudes... Where's The Love? And President Obama Likes To Ride Unicorns Naked Again...

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"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh and televangelist Pat Robertson are being scolded for their comments in the immediate aftermath of an earthquake in Haiti that has killed tens of thousands, according to early estimates.

Critics from both the left and right are denouncing their remarks as insensitive to the disaster and attempts to score political points off human tragedy.

Speaking on his radio show Wednesday, Limbaugh said the earthquake has played into Obama’s hands, allowing the president to look “compassionate” and “humanitarian” while at the same time bolstering his standing in both the “light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country.”

He added: “We've already donated to Haiti. It’s called the U.S. income tax.” (source)

"I suspect the vacant, purposeless lives you both live now are hell enough already." - Keith Olbermann

I couldn't have said it better myself.

So, I must now invoke the power of a naked President Obama and his UNICORN to justice and topple fat-ass Limbaugh once more.




And again, after so much work...

They went on vacation to Hawaii. Or maybe Tahiti, but I know how much my baby's Daddy likes Hawaii. So, he's probably there with that slut Unicorn. Both of them. Together. The Unicorn and President Obama. Naked. And the Unicorn put sunscreen on the President's back. Or lubed his hole. I'm not really sure which. Maybe both.

Paintings by Dan Lacey

*** Original Post Where Obama Rode His Unicorn Naked And Topples Blimpy Limbaugh.


Carrie Prejean's Opinion And Mine Too... Of Course

Now granted, you've all probably seen the underage photos of

Carrie Prejean's butt eating her pink panties. "RARRAARRAARRRARAA!!! OH, I LOVE THE TASTE OF PINK LACE, MMMPHH RARRAMMPHH..." (That's the sound of her butt eating her pan... yeah, that's it, you got it. You know me by now.)

And this one,

where inconveniently, the wind blew and her little vest popped open and revealed the red star of David. Only Carrie knows where the Smiley Face is... and my guess is, it has a small beard... or maybe wax burns.

I don't believe that we shouldn't say what we think or say how we feel on certain matters. Quite the contrary. I DO believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion and we should give it even if our voice shakes. Actually, especially if our voice shakes.

However, I think what bothers me with these beauty queens being asked certain questions that might be pertinent other than, "Do you like water sports?" And, "Can you point to an ocean on a map?", is that they're not educated.

I know, I know, you're surprised.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.

But, I do have a wish... Well, I have many wishes, but this wish is I believe that when people, no matter who they are, are going to be looked up to, they have a responsibility. So, it wouldn't be so bad if they were actually educated on a few topics and subjects and could present their arguments with merit.

When someone is for or against something, I just want to know WHY. And "because" isn't an acceptable answer. I know that I'm asking a lot...

Until then, the sinister side of me wouldn't mind if Carrie Prejean were tied up for awhile

like she was here for a frat party. I'm really fucking tired of hearing that 21 year old dumbass run her pie-hole.

Because I'm entitled to my opinion too and I'm just worn out on uneducated, truly thoughtless bimbos (male and female) getting air time.

(Thanks for the image, Jackie!)

**Shanna Moakler Resigns as Miss California Pageant Director**
