Where Hate Resides and Thrives

Ugly, Ugly, UGLY Americans in Orange County... Now, I'm not going to be as stupid and ridiculous as these demonstrators and generalize that ugly Americans only reside in Orange County. But, this is where this happened. And yes, it could've been "Anywhere USA".

This vile, disgusting, ignorant and hate-filled demonstration is a perfect example of why an innocent nine year old little girl was shot and killed in Arizona. Intolerance of people who have different opinions, different ideas, or who are just different.

These sick, sick people... There must be a portion of them that's dead inside. And they don't even know it.

I forced myself to watch this all the way through. Because the other "Christina Greenes" who had to listen to such filth directed at THEM, had no choice. To see the adults be screamed at heinously is bad enough, but to see the young children, to see them stop in their tracks, because fear and trepidation finally stopped their little feet from moving, shreds me...

These hate mongers... There is nothing good there. Nothing. No peace, no grace, no decency. Only hate.

Funny, they're exactly who they think those other people are...


They're exactly who they hate.

********************** (Thank you for this video contribution, Ray. It needs to be seen, and heard, and more importantly, felt.) *****************************************