Our Place


Thank you for this contribution, Yani!

* Oil sludge washes in Florida, dolphin stranded

Please tell the attorneys general of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi to file charges of cruelty to animals against the BP executives who allowed this to happen and, because of their negligence, continue to let it go on. (You don't have to be a member of PETA to sign this petition.)

Silence is compliance.


Unbridled Greed

Stop the bribes! Demand clean energy.

Fucking ridiculous: Oil executives sent a strong challenge to Barack Obama on Tuesday, warning at a major oil conference that the American president's ban on risky deepwater drilling would cripple world energy supplies.

This OUTLANDISH, RECKLESS, narrow-minded philosophy shouldn't be tolerated anymore. It's mere greed.

WHO the hell cares about "energy supplies" when THIS is where we're going to be living...

Stop the bribes! Demand clean energy.

These people are criminals (not the kids in the garbage dump, bishes). Republicans and democrats alike... The executives and the apathetic. They're all guilty. They're sponsoring and condoning crimes against the environment and thus humanity. There is no separation between the two. We have no other place to live...

Sound dramatic? Absolutely.

It's because it IS.


How We Can Stop

One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make things like: this partial list of products made from Petroleum (144 of 6000 items).

What you can use instead: Hemp food, hemp oil, hemp plastics, hemp insulation, hemp concrete, hemp paper, and other hemp composites all available today! And yes, the list goes on and on. Plus, Hemp is both Eco-friendly and Renewable.


Illegal to grow in the US; it's a direct competitor with petroleum. Plain and simple.

AND Hemp plants do not have the same THC levels as plants used for Medical Marijuana, so it is ridiculous that they don't legalize hemp.

It's way past time to stop.

Think outside the box.

How You Live Matters.

(Thank you for the great links, Holly!) **************************************