Cindy McCain Is A Total Badass

I've written before about the McCain women stepping up. And I DO feel badly about ever saying that Cindy McCain was really a Klingon Warrioress dressed poorly in Dolce & Gabbana.

I also feel badly that she's still married to that... What did I call him? Oh yeah, "a ginned-up hobbit". Yeah. That's it. I imagine THAT'S why I thought she was a "Klingon Warrioress".

We'll blame my poor judgment on John McCain. And really, why wouldn't we?

So, yeah. Cindy McCain has stepped up AGAIN.

"Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future. They can't serve our country openly.

"Our government treats the LGBT community like second-class citizens. Why shouldn't bullies?" ~ Cindy McCain

Brava, Cindy, brava. I'm just sorry that you're still married to that ginned-up hobbit.

(See? Am I lying?) Although, I am fond of how you prod him. It's good for him. So, keep prodding. It keeps him on his hairy, stubby toes. Anyway, Cindy,... may I call you "Cindy"? Great. I like your style.


Stop Riding

Gay Kids Are Dying, Fuck Your Feelings. DAN SAVAGE pulling no punches. October 14, 2010

"Dear Dan: I was listening to the radio yesterday morning, and I heard an interview with you about your It Gets Better campaign. I was saddened and frustrated with your comments regarding people of faith and their perpetuation of bullying. As someone who loves the Lord and does not support gay marriage, I can honestly say I was heartbroken to hear about the young man who took his own life. If your message is that we should not judge people based on their sexual preference, how do you justify judging entire groups of people for any other reason (including their faith)? There is no part of me that took any pleasure in what happened to that young man, and I know for a fact that is true of many other people who disagree with your viewpoint.

"To that end, to imply that I would somehow encourage my children to mock, hurt, or intimidate another person for any reason is completely unfounded and offensive. Being a follower of Christ is, above all things, a recognition that we are all imperfect, fallible, and in desperate need of a savior. We cannot believe that we are better or more worthy than other people.

"Please consider your viewpoint, and please be more careful with your words in the future." — L.R.

Savage: "I'm sorry your feelings were hurt by my comments.

"No, wait. I'm not. Gay kids are dying. So let's try to keep things in perspective: Fuck your feelings.

"A question: Do you "support" atheist marriage? Interfaith marriage? Divorce and remarriage? All are legal, all go against Christian and/or traditional ideas about marriage, and yet there's no "Christian" movement to deny marriage rights to atheists or people marrying outside their respective faiths or people divorcing and remarrying.

"Why the hell not?

"Sorry, L.R., but so long as you support the denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples, it's clear that you do believe that some people—straight people—are "better or more worthy" than others.

"And—sorry—but you are partly responsible for the bullying and physical violence being visited on vulnerable LGBT children. The kids of people who see gay people as sinful or damaged or disordered and unworthy of full civil equality—even if those people strive to express their bigotry in the politest possible way (at least when they happen to be addressing a gay person)—learn to see gay people as sinful, damaged, disordered, and unworthy. And while there may not be any gay adults or couples where you live, or at your church, or in your workplace, I promise you that there are gay and lesbian children in your schools. And while you can only attack gays and lesbians at the ballot box, nice and impersonally, your children have the option of attacking actual gays and lesbians, in person, in real time. Real gay and lesbian children. Not political abstractions, not "sinners." Gay and lesbian children.

"Try to keep up: The dehumanizing bigotries that fall from the lips of "faithful Christians," and the lies about us that vomit out from the pulpits of churches that "faithful Christians" drag their kids to on Sundays, give your children license to verbally abuse, humiliate, and condemn the gay children they encounter at school. And many of your children—having listened to Mom and Dad talk about how gay marriage is a threat to family and how gay sex makes their magic sky friend Jesus cry—feel justified in physically abusing the LGBT children they encounter in their schools. You don't have to explicitly "encourage [your] children to mock, hurt, or intimidate" queer kids. Your encouragement—along with your hatred and fear—is implicit. It's here, it's clear, and we're seeing the fruits of it: dead children. Oh, and those same dehumanizing bigotries that fill your straight children with hate? They fill your gay children with suicidal despair. And you have the nerve to ask me to be more careful with my words?

"Did that hurt to hear? Good. But it couldn't have hurt nearly as much as what was said and done to Asher Brown and Justin Aaberg and Billy Lucas and Cody Barker and Seth Walsh—day-in, day-out for years—at schools filled with bigoted little monsters created not in the image of a loving God, but in the image of the hateful and false "followers of Christ" they call Mom and Dad."


People, children are DYING. And those who aren't, feel like their dead. That, I can assure you.

*** (Thank you for this, Holly. That letter just about covers it.)

*** (source of letter)


Joel Burns is a Total Badass

"One day when I was in the ninth grade I was cornered by some older kids who roughed me up. They said that I was a faggot, and that I should die and go to hell where I belonged. That erupted the fear that I had kept pushed down, that what I was beginning to feel on the inside must somehow be showing on the outside. ... There must be something very wrong with me, I thought. Something I could never let my family or anyone else know."

- Joel Burns, a city councilman in Fort Worth, Texas (source)

Bravo, Mr. Burns. BRAVO.

If people had ANY inkling of the amount and depth of the isolation, despair and self-loathing that comes with society's intolerant views of homosexuality and being different, it would be crystal clear that it's not a choice.

What IS a choice is living with dignity and grace and love. And that's the sweetest revenge.


It Comes From The Top

So, you may have heard about the outbreak of teen suicides linked to their sexual orientation during this last week. These, of course, are the ones we KNOW about... I always wonder how many suicides (teen and otherwise) are linked to LGBT issues that go unknown...

Anyway, yesterday on facebook, I linked to a petition that is at the bottom of this post. In that facebook post, I said, "How I'd like to bully these spineless bully's parents. I can probably find them at a "tea party", steeping in their ignorance and bigotry."

So, a close cousin of mine wrote to me to protest my generalizations. I always appreciate hearing from him. We have very similar senses of humor, but he usually pushes it and makes my jaw drop further. And then I just burst out laughing with a underlying sense of guilt. He ALWAYS makes me laugh and I love him. But politically, we're on opposite ends of the spectrum. As I am with my oldest brother and my parents. However, we've arrived at an understanding where MOST of the time (not always) we respectfully state our points and move on.

We love one another more than our opinions.

Well yesterday, my cousin wrote to me about my generalizations and said "Ignorance and bigotry have been around MUCH longer than the Tea Party, and are deep rooted into many people regardless of their political affiliation." And of course, he's right.

I wrote back and said "I agree with you, ignorance and hate have obviously been around much longer than the tea party. I'm not insinuating that they haven't been."

And I continued, "At a basic level, I understand the premise for the tea party - less gov't involvement, and fiscal responsibility - who DOESN'T want that? But sadly, I believe that the tea party is operating on something else... And these homophobic "bullies" and some of society's intolerant view of homosexuality is driving kids to commit suicide. And the intolerant, delusional views of the tea party aren't helping matters. They liken Obama to Hitler, when you KNOW that socialistic ideals are very different from fascism. I didn't see these same people getting upset with W's administration for whittling away our rights and inching us closer to a fascist state...

"Shit rolls down hill. And the tea party's origins were something to be admired, but they've gone way off track and that's too bad. Instead of creating a party that might attract sensible discussion and lead to more strong political parties in the U.S., they're further polarizing people.

"I know what it's like to feel isolated as a kid and teenager. I can't express to you the immensity of the self-loathing. I wanted my life to end on a regular basis.

"To me, the tea party represents hatred. Not healthy dialogue based in fact.

"I think we need strong election reform and a STRONG multi-party system. But for what should be obvious reasons, I'm not jumping on-board with the tea party. They're not "patriots", but hate mongers in poor disguise."

My cousin was right about my sweeping generalizations. And he's certainly right about ignorance and hate being rampant regardless of political affiliations.

I guess what I'm driving at is when there's intolerance coming from adults, whoever they are, there's BOUND to be with their children. And this is causing a circle of hatred, and thus, violence...

The year is 2010... think about that, 2010 is almost over. Doesn't that year still look like the future to you? It does to me. And the way we're treating one another seems to be slipping... devolving into something mundane and ridiculous. Into the world of the un-evolved. As though hatred is strength. As though intolerance is something to be admired. As though dogma from organized religion trumps a higher spiritual existence.

They'd nail Jesus Christ to the cross all over again.

Stop the suicides: Help put an end to bullying in schools!

Resources to Help Stop Bullying