Stand Tall And...
Source: 'Resist': Activists Unfurl Massive Banner On Crane Behind White House
Source: 'Resist': Activists Unfurl Massive Banner On Crane Behind White House
Special thanks to our brilliant correspondent in the field, Claud. Thank you, Beautiful! Hilarious!
I can't believe that we're actually talking about PISS and GOLDEN SHOWERS regarding "The President of the United States"...
However, in the peetime, this opening of SNL last week is FRICKING PISSTERICAL!!
Thank you, Pandora for piss!!
Damn it, they nail it...
Special thanks to our beautiful and brilliant correspondent in the field, Jacqueline Non-Bouvier-Kennedy-Onasis-Tastic.
Merci, Madame!! C'est magnifique. Pas mediocre... C'est excellente!
FuckFace Von Clownstick
* Special thanks to the dashing, Whit, for this contribution. Thanks, brother!
go gurl
I... am... DYING!
SNL, well done. Well done.
(Special thanks to our gorgeous correspondent in the field, Claud. Thank you, Claud!)
While what other people think of you is none of your business, words have ripple effects... for good or bad, they have ripple effects... like stones thrown into a pond. The ripples grow in size all the way to the shore.
People are so fucking stupid... And so proud to be misinformed and operating on such lack of logic and reason...
If it weren't so disturbing, I'd be laughing.
and people are so misinformed that they don't know they're misinformed...