But, Bish... He Cray
all day...
(Thank you for this, Princess Lisa of the Will!)
all day...
(Thank you for this, Princess Lisa of the Will!)
We are most certainly stronger together.
Special thanks to our beautiful correspondent in the field, Melba Toastie Woastie. Thanks, Mel!
How they should all start off...
(Thank you for this, Spanky!)
I... am... DYING!
SNL, well done. Well done.
(Special thanks to our gorgeous correspondent in the field, Claud. Thank you, Claud!)
While what other people think of you is none of your business, words have ripple effects... for good or bad, they have ripple effects... like stones thrown into a pond. The ripples grow in size all the way to the shore.
I was proud already, but she made me very, very proud to be an American last night.
Great leaders lift and inspire to build up.
To be higher.
To be proud, but to be better.