Photo For Monday (And Ponderings of a Madman)

The Hadza, a hunter-gatherer culture that lives in Tanzania that hasn't changed in 10,000 years. They grow no food, raise no livestock, and live without rules or calendars.

Source: National Geographic.

I wonder what they would say about boob jobs, calf-implants, botox and anal bleaching? OH! And Hip and Deltoid Implants are NEW!! YAAYY. They could weigh in on those too.

Okay, now granted, not ONE of them is smiling. The cutie-pie in the top row, second from the right is almost... ALMOST smiling, but not quite. And the dude in the middle row, second from the left... Well, he might be smiling, but I don't even know where his mouth is to check. The rest are all, "I can't BELIEVE we have to go KILL dinner and gather twigs and bark for a salad AGAIN. This is TOTAL BULLSHIT! Especially because we JUST had DIRT for lunch! THIS IS BULLSHIT! I HATE IT HERE!" Or... Giraffe shit. Maybe they'd yell, "GIRAFFE SHIT!"? Which ever one's more prevalent, I suppose.

But still... I wonder what they'd say about us.


WOO! WOO! WOO! (That's suppose to be a siren, bishes... Not because there's three of them.)

New Jersey's triple threat: the Koralja triplets—Andrew, Joseph, and Robert, from left— photo by Michael S. Yamashita.

Is it me, or is this photo slightly disturbing?

* I don't know if it's the mustaches?
* That they have sirens mounted on a taxi?
* That there's three of the same person?
* Or whether it's because they're probably not wearing pants when this was taken?
* Or whether it's all the above?

When I look at it, I feel like someone just roofied me and I'm about to be upside-down with an audience... of at least three.

(Please feel free to click on photo to enlarge.)



King Penguins Swimming

Because every morning should start this way. At least for penguins...

A feeding party streams back to shore after several days at sea. Their orange markings, long, slender bills, and hefty, three-foot-long bodies distinguish them as king penguins. With bellies full of small fish, they will regurgitate a portion for waiting chicks. - National Geographic

"Regurgitated fish", huh?? It's tempting. But, I'm thinking... coffee, banana, oat meal... maybe a bagel. I'll try the barf tomorrow, thanks.
