Her Lamp In The Night

There's been such a divisiveness in our country. Such a darkness that has settled on people's spirits. It's almost like it's sucking the life out of the world.

Almost like media, giant corporations and many politicians are conspiring against the average American citizen. Lining their players up in order to control the masses.

Like they're dementors.

Circling and waiting for us to get tired...

And then, when the timing is right, they'll swoop in and devour the goodness, our souls right out of us...

I know this all sounds very dramatic, and maybe it's just because it's the end of February. But, I can't help feeling a wickedness in our social and political climate right now.

And I believe that besides ignorance, which breeds fear, that the main cause of this shadow, once it's whittled down, boils down to people looking outside themselves for something to make them happy. That on an individual level, it's about wanting more. And that more will never be enough.

Whether it's a CEO sick with greed, hoping to fill a void that he or she has always had... And by being financially successful, that this will make up for that emptiness that resides somewhere in them.

Or whether it's a politician, hoping that the recognition of holding an office will be some kind of an award of esteem. That power will fulfill them.

Or whether it's a parent. Working too late and too much in order keep up with the neighbors or others' expectations? Thinking that their children need more things, need to be involved in more activities, need this and that when really, the kid just wants their parent's attention and presence. (I'm talking of extremes here, not someone working their tail off to put food on the table.)

They're diluted to think that "more" will eventually be enough. That it's just right around that next corner. It will always be right around the next corner... All the while walking on Greed Street, USA.

Whether it's money or power, it boils down to greed. And greed is a symptom of lacking in something else, some stealth vacuity inside themselves.

And I firmly believe that if you're not happy without it, you're not going to be happy with it. Whatever that IT may be.

I grew up thinking something different. And hoping for something different. So, I believe in something different.

I believe that we're all interconnected. All fingers on the same hand, limbs on the same body. All waves in the same ocean. All sentient beings a part of one being. That there really is no "us" and "them". That it's all US. And I don't believe this is exclusive to humans, but to ALL life.

That we are a part of everything else. And everything else is a part of us. And it has always been this way. And it always will be... in some form or another.

Therefore, if we're in this giant mess together, and I ain't NEVER gonna get my stank ass away from you crazy bishes and your stank asses, then I also believe that the better off someone else is, in turn, this will help me as well. That to insure someone else's happiness, is to insure my own. And thus, we'll all be better off.

And it certainly doesn't hurt and never fails that every time I'm able to help someone, whether it's as simple as listening (which isn't always so "simple"), or something requiring more effort, I never feel so alive as when I do.

So, in regards to the healthcare reform debate, I've written quite a bit.

I've written about Jesus Christ and His Tennis Shoes. And I've been quite vocal about the Criminal Sabotage taking place in the States right now.

And when I think of our interconnectedness. And the healthcare debate and the corporate greed that's poisoning the American spirit. When I think of the freedom and welfare of all people, I can't help thinking of a brave woman, standing out in all kinds of weather.

She stands decidedly, unwavering in her mission.

It doesn't matter what kind of storm is brewing, she stands.

Looking out to sea for those that are trying to find their way...

I was always so proud of what she represents.

And as an adult, she affects me no less deeply than she did when I was a child.

Her message resonates with me to my very core...

And I hope I never, NEVER forget that.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame,

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

~ Emma Lazarus, New York City, 1883

Those words dampen my eyes with humility and pride every time.

Today is a virtual march on Washington. People are signing more petitions, MoveOn is sending faxes and people are calling their members of Congress. If you're so inclined, please feel free to take part. And here are six easy ways to do so:

Virtual March for Real Health Care Reform (When you sign up, they'll prepare faxes in your name and send them to your senators. They'll also send you a reminder to call Congress.)

We'd rather have a good bill than a bipartisan one.

Tell your Senator to sign the Bennet letter for the public option

Americans want a good bill -- not just bipartisanship

Contact your Senators

Contact your Representative

* Obama backs repeal of decades-old antitrust exemption for health insurance companies


Dean Urges Defeat Of Emerging Health Care Bill

Dean urges defeat of emerging health care bill

"You will now be forced to buy insurance. If you don't, you'll pay a fine," said Dean, a physician. "It's an insurance company bailout." Interviewed on ABC's "Good Morning America," he said the bill has some good provisions, "but there has to be a line beyond which you think the bill is bad for the country."

"This is an insurance company's dream," the former Democratic presidential candidate said. "This is the Washington scramble, and it's a shame."

Dean asserted that the Senate's health care bill would not prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage for preexisting conditions and he also said it would allow the industry to charge older people far more than others for premiums.

Without the public option, greed will win again.

*** Health Insurers Caught Paying Facebook Gamers Virtual Currency To Oppose Reform Bill (Thank you for the link, Holly!)


"Swipe THIS, BOB!"

So, the other night, Will had to put his i-pod on because I was screaming at someone in the Philippines.

I'm not proud of it. I really am embarrassed when I lose control and end up screaming my head off, but I did. It popped right off. I couldn't even understand myself at that point. All I could hear were high-pitched screeches, as though an owl had come careening into the Living Room. And all the dogs in the neighborhood started howling.

After I cancelled my very last credit card and hung up the phone I thought, "Wow... I just screamed at someone on the other side of the planet! Someone named 'Bob'... Technology is just bringing us closer and closer together... And even our NAMES are getting closer and closer! Soon, we'll all be one. N'est-ce pas?"

Mais, oui.


Cowards and Greed. Sick and Wrong

(Pittsburgh Post Gazette - Rob Rogers)

(The Journal News - Matt Davies)

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"A majority of personal bankruptcies in this country are caused by medical costs. And a majority of those people who are going bankrupt because of their medical costs? Actually HAVE health insurance."

Get educated. Be informed.


The Vampire Squid From Hell

"In a few weeks, the Treasury Department's czar of executive pay will have to answer this $100 million question: Should Andrew J. Hall get his bonus?

Mr. Hall, the 58-year-old head of Phibro, a small commodities trading firm in Westport, Conn., is due for a nine-figure payday, his cut of profits from a characteristically aggressive year of bets in the oil market.

There is little doubt that Mr. Hall is owed the money under his contract. The problem is that his contract is with Citigroup, which was saved with roughly $45 billion in taxpayer aid.

Corporate pay has become a live grenade in the aftermath of the largest series of corporate bailouts in American history. In March, when the American International Group, rescued at vast taxpayer expense, was to give out $165 million in bonuses, Congress moved to constrain the payouts, and protesters showed up at the homes of several executives." (source)

All contracts would've been terminated had the TAXPAYER bailout not happened. And when the TAXPAYER bailout DID happen, the contracts SHOULD'VE been cleared of any bonuses exceeding an appropriate amount. Like... Oh, I don't know, let's be generous and say ten dollars. He's due to receive $100,000,000.00 directly (and indirectly) from our pockets as A BONUS and it's disgusting and vile.

Here's Andrew J. Hall when he played Water Polo at Oxford.

(Last night, our friend "Levin" educated me on a creature that I didn't know previously existed. It's the Vampire Squid and I felt the introduction of the "Vampire Squid" and the analogy to Andrew J. Hall was appropriate at this time.)

And here is exclusive footage of Mr. Hall relaxing at home in his 1000 year old German Castle where he rubs his penis on his bad, contemporary art collection...

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