Dean Urges Defeat Of Emerging Health Care Bill

Dean urges defeat of emerging health care bill

"You will now be forced to buy insurance. If you don't, you'll pay a fine," said Dean, a physician. "It's an insurance company bailout." Interviewed on ABC's "Good Morning America," he said the bill has some good provisions, "but there has to be a line beyond which you think the bill is bad for the country."

"This is an insurance company's dream," the former Democratic presidential candidate said. "This is the Washington scramble, and it's a shame."

Dean asserted that the Senate's health care bill would not prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage for preexisting conditions and he also said it would allow the industry to charge older people far more than others for premiums.

Without the public option, greed will win again.

*** Health Insurers Caught Paying Facebook Gamers Virtual Currency To Oppose Reform Bill (Thank you for the link, Holly!)
