Up To Date Info On Swine (H1N1) Influenza Virus

So, my sister-in-law is an E.R. Physician. She recently wrote to give us the low-down on the Swine Flu. I wanted to share it with all of you because of all the crazy fear that's coming from the media. Here it is:

"There's a lot of hype going on out there. Basically this a new flu strain that spreads and acts like all colds and flu would. Just as with our regular yearly flu season, people infected who have underlying illnesses or are at the extremes of age are susceptible to the respiratory complications that could result in mortality. Otherwise it's just a kicker cold that you should try and keep to yourself."

** Click here to review Treatment and prevention of swine H1N1 influenza A.

** Click here to access Patient Information: Influenza symptoms and treatment.
