Goodbye, "Hello/Goodbye"...

"Hello/Goodbye" by William Bezek, (9 x 12, oil on canvas) leaves us to go and reside in the private collection of Molly and The Baron.

"Hello/Goodbye", I shall miss you, but I find comfort knowing that you are going to a good home where you will be loved and cherished and I shall see you again... So, until next time, I'll bid you a fond adieu.

*** Introducing William Bezek's, Pans Garden, which features Will's paintings and sculptures. ***


Happy Mother's Day!

Sponsor natural habitat for as little as $20 in your Mother's name. That way, you're giving to two Mothers... Your Mom and Mother Earth. Or just give her vodka... Or a nice big jug of Carlo Rossi. That's what I'm doing.

Or, give her a gift from Heifer International!

Yeah, we're not doing either... But, WE DID LAST YEAR, FUCKERS!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mother Goddesses out there...

The World would be nothing without you.

"Goddesses" (oil on canvas 32x48) by William Bezek. Private Collection.