Reckless Driving...

This wholesome family outing demonstrating Sarah Palin's abstinence agenda in the Country she calls "Africa" is brought to us from our debonair and dashing correspondent in D.C. That's right, DICKIE!! Thanks, Dickie.

Don't let that jackass Sarah Palin see these two going at it, she'll gun 'em down from a helicopter and use tax payer money to pay for it.

What's even more hysterical in this video clip are the sounds coming from the people inside the car... Had I been in the vehicle, I would've probably been laughing just as uncontrollably, though simultaneously barfing all over myself. Because not unlike Sarah Palin, pink monkey crotches freak me the fuck out and nauseate me. And of course, they taste AWFUL! Yuk.

Sorry... I had to.
