Jumpin' Ship In Mind And Body

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"After World War II, we prosecuted the Japanese for doing this to OUR soldiers." (Reference to waterboarding)

Move on? We should just move on instead of investigating whether the law was broken?? Shall we just "move on" when someone commits robbery or rape or murder because it was in the past??

And Newt Gingrich actually said this when he was Speaker Of The House in 1997: "there is no place for abuse in what must be considered the family of man. There is no place for torture and arbitrary detention. There is no place for forced confessions." And continued, "the roots of American rule of law go back more than 700 years, to the signing of the Magna Carta. The foundation of American values, therefore, is not a passing priority or a temporary trend." (source)

Dude... No way, man... YOU SAID THAT??

That's pretty gnarly. Actually, no... It's bitchin', is what it is...

Veteran Republican Senator Specter does the ole switcheroo over to the Democratic Party.

Even rats know when to abandon a sinking ship...
