Oh Yeah, That's Good, That's Great, BUT NOT THERE. NOT THERE, I SAID!
Dang. I'm pretty sure that's where I would've wanted Mr. Kitty to start off. But whatever... To each their own.
Dang. I'm pretty sure that's where I would've wanted Mr. Kitty to start off. But whatever... To each their own.
oh... my... GOD. I can't stand it. I can't stand how FRICKING CUTE THIS IS!!
Somehow, just for a moment, when I see this... everything seems good. Everything seems like it's going to be okay in the world. Just for these 17 seconds, it's all kitty-wonderfulness.
(Thanks, Rolo!)
How did Monday creep up so fast?
I must have been looking at Friday... and Saturday. And maybe Sunday...
OOHHHH... I see now... Send the weekend as a distraction and WHAMM-O!! RIGHT IN THE KISSER!
I don't think that's very funny, Monday. Uh-uh... I don't. YOU! YOU!! YOU... FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, YOU!!
We'll just have to see what TUESDAY has to say about this...
The Bloggess has brought this wet puss to my attention. And all I have to say is SNOOKERS IS WASTING SO MUCH GOD DAMN WATER!!!