"Kevin, I Saw This and Thought of YOU!!", Installment #10

"Wal-Mart Said No To This Product"


This GLORY-HOLIOUS contribution comes to us from my sister from another mister, Suebob over at Red Stapler. Thanks, Suebob!

And I, as usual, am completely flattered that you thought of me...And Suebob? I'm a little curious, was it the "Double-Thick" part that reminded you of me? Or...the "Feel us while soft!" part? Or...or...the... "FOUR CYLINDERS INSIDE AT ONE TIME!" part? Complete with exclamation point! Which I guess, FOUR cylinders inside at one time definitely warrants an exclamation point.

So, anyway...Yeah. Every word on this is golden. Wal-Mart was just MUCHO ESTUPIDO for passing THIS fine product up. The sillies... So Suebob, I'm hoping it was the "Double-Thick" part that made you think of me...It was, right? Aw shucks...I knew it!