Some Sunday Worship (of our time here)

So recently, when we were walking the dogs over at a nearby lake, we came across a granite rock that had been placed as a memorial to someone named "Michael Robert Tucker". It turns out he was a Cleveland lawyer who spent more than a decade rock climbing around the world, and he died in a rock climbing accident on April 24, 2010. He was 27 years old. And he died way too soon. As though it's not always too soon... The memorial had a quote on it from William Stafford... It got to me, as I'm sure it should. I took a picture of the tribute, but I can't seem to get it to the right size for the blog. Here it is nonetheless. I hope it inspires you like it inspired me.

"Tasting all these and letting them have their ways to waken me. I shiver and resolve: In my life, I will more than live."
