"Bom Chicka Wah Wah!!"

There are SO many lovely, yet subtle attributes in this commercial. I'm hysterical every time I see it...

* Both of the individuals are gorgeous, so it's easy on the eyes.

* She not only lets go of the person in the wheelchair, she actually slightly launches them before she releases the handles.

* The adorable guy is holding a cucumber.

And I'm pretty sure that if you all could smell my sexy pheromones through your computer screen, you'd all be doing the same dance, rubbing your booties on your keyboards, serenading me with "Bom Chicka Wah Wah!". In fact, I'm certain of it.

***Honorary Mention*** When I saw this commercial for the first time, besides leaping from my chair and attempting to replicate the mating dance performed, I immediately thought of my dear friend Jessica over at Oh, The Joys. You're right, Major Bedhead, it IS her theme song.

P.S. I will be working on another more in-depth post regarding my Father's health and the circumstances surrounding it. And one more appropriately conveying my gratitude for your thoughts, well-wishes, comments and emails. They were inspiring and humbling...truly. I was blown away by everyone's responses and it certainly reminded me that I am NOT alone. I can't tell you how comforting you all were.

But, before I write that post, I did want to let you know that my Father and Mother are doing well. And as strange as it sounds, as good as a cancer diagnosis can be, this was it. It will require some attention, but this WON'T kill him. Hopefully all the booze and sex finally will in another 80 years.