For All of Our Sakes

Christina was born on Sept. 11, 2001, a horrific day, like Saturday, that changed the mood of the country. She was featured in the book "Faces of Hope, Babies Born on 9/11."

Roxanna Green said her daughter was proud to be in the book and was hopeful about the future.

"She didn't really look at 9/11 as so much a tragedy like the rest of us did," she said on ABC's "Good Morning America." "She looked at it as an opportunity for change, for hope. ... She always wanted peace."

She added, "She was an amazing little girl. She got robbed of all the wonderful things she could have done." (source)

And WE got robbed of all the wonderful things she could have done...

How ironic that Christina was born on 9/11, no?

It's like we're all in a cage together and we've thrown away the key. And destructive, like acting in anger is, we're tearing at the only thing we can - each other. And we've murdered the only beautiful thing about that day...

Her birth was certainly a symbol. And now, her death seems even more so...

I planned on posting something about Christina Green today, I felt like we should know her better. And being that Will and I don't have television, I don't know what all the talking heads are saying... I imagine they're hard at work, making the most out of it for their ratings.

Even though I'm still deeply disturbed and angry, and even though I know that a "lack of civility" (that's putting it mildly) didn't directly cause this tragedy, it certainly didn't help. Even though I'm still pissed, I can't wallow anymore. And I don't wish to add to the destruction with my own anger...

It's time to learn.

I rather like what President Obama said yesterday. He spoke with dignity and grace, as a good leader should, “If, as has been discussed in recent days, their deaths help usher in more civility in our public discourse,” Mr. Obama said, “let us remember that it is not because a simple lack of civility caused this tragedy — it did not — but rather because only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation, in a way that would make them proud.”

And ending with a reflection on a vivacious, outstanding little girl, “We place our hands over our heart,” Mr. Obama said, promising to work to forge “a country that is forever worthy of her gentle happy spirit.” (source)

That is worth working for indeed. For all of our sakes.
