A Little Bit of Heaven on a Sunday

Thank you for this video clip, Lissy! SO fricking sweet...

I just can't help thinking that this

is going to be that guy at the beach in another year or so. Carrying his head in his hands wherever he goes... And he'll be all like, "I slipped! And it was MY fault! I hit that lion in the mouth with my neck!"

I'm not saying it's the lion's fault for being a lion...

Oh well, headless or not, for today it's still terribly sweet, bishes.

That's all we truly have anyway, right? The moment? And really, tomorrow we could all end up in the jaws of a lion, metaphorically speaking of course. So, why waste today on what "might be" tomorrow?

Because right now, we're just fine. And that hottie up there in that video with the lioness and her cubs are fucking CUTE AS SHIT. (Not that actual turds are cute, but you know what I mean...)
