Catherine Tate - A "How very DARE you!" Derek Monday

I'm sorry, I had to do it. I had to post just a few more of these video clips. They're hysterical. Catherine Tate is a woman after my own heart. She's completely bonkers, which pretty much makes me gasp and swoon.

Thank you to Peter Pan over at Randomness he has posted his favorite Tate character, "Nan", in honor of me. He even referred to me as "young", which made me catch my breath a bit. Thanks Peter! As I wrote to you, flattery will get you everywhere. Because of that, I'm only wearing a smile and my laptop...and socks...oh yes, and my glasses.

Marmite Breath has provided links to her favorite Catherine Tate episodes. You can check them out here and here. They're equally brilliant. Thanks Marmite!

And Mad Muthas provided yet ANOTHER brilliant actor; Lucy Montgomery, who does an UNBELIEVABLY FREAKY imitation of Tom Cruise. Holy shit. And the show that it's on? Titty Bang Bang, which the name alone cracks me up. Thanks Muthas!

My apologies for posting so many video clips right now. I'm trying to be extremely disciplined with edits to my play, learning lines, rehearsing scenes and ironing out some quirks that are certain to be exhausting to myself and the audience should they be allowed to lurk in the story.

I'm hoping to have the edits and lines down by the end of March, have it directed in early April, and have it on its feet, performing it by early May. It's truly difficult to keep to it, to not have anyone breathing down my neck to have this finished. To be diligent enough to not slack off (like I've been doing). There's no inspiration like a deadline, so I'm trying to create one for myself. But to be honest with you, I'd rather be sleeping, or meandering drunk out to the hot tub. However, I find that consuming too much alcohol tends to get in the way of my productivity. And meandering drunk tends to get in the way of my sleeping.

If any of you have any ideas how to stay motivated and self-disciplined, I'd LOVE to hear them.

So, for now, the smashing character of "Derek". Take it away, Miss Tate:

Catherine Tate - Derek

Catherine Tate - Derek Faye - Homolulu

Catherine Tate - Derek Faye - Public Toilets