Love and Be Loved

‎"And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth."

~ Raymond Carver


* Image: William Bezek's Salvation 1987 oil on canvas. Private collection.

(Thank you for the wonderful quote, Deb!)


True, Brother... True.

"There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence."

~ Deepak Chopra


"Don't chop broccoli too fine, because that shit gets in your teeth."

~ K to the C to the evin to the harnas


*** Top Image: William Bezek's "Tara", oil on canvas, which beams from above our fireplace.


The Underpants!

Okay, so you're going to have to forgive me. I've been extremely sidetracked lately with some work. I've been knee-deep in rehearsals for Steve Martin's adaptation of "The Underpants", which opened last night at The Beck Center for the Arts in Lakewood, Ohio. It's directed by one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, Mr. Matthew Earnest of "Wanderlust" fame. (Remember? The New York Times called me "saucy". Twice? Yeah, that one.) And the set and costume designer IS my favorite person in the whole wide world, my huubannd, bishes... Sir William Bezek.


So, it's been A BLAST. (That's an underpants statement.)

Hardy-Har-Har. HEY! They can't ALL be good... Tough crowd, you people are...

A truly multi-dimensional farce, thanks to a multifaceted, gifted director, a fricking crazy brilliant set designer and costumer, and truly, truly kind, generous and talented, first-rate actors who aren't afraid to be lighting bolts on stage.

The whole experience is inspiring and I feel very fortunate to be a part of it.

SO, I don't want to say anything, but word on the street is...

Peeps from all over the world have been compelled to strip down to their panties and make tracks for the theater to see this comical, yet provocative and pertinent lighting storm on stage.

They're running if they have to...

They're on subways...

And waiting at airport restaurants for the next available flight...

They're standing on beaches pondering their next move to get here asap.

They're cheering one another on at train stations that this play is going to be the best thing since pita and hummus and bleach.

They're going to be looking to the sky for flights that are picking up hitchhikers (hitchflyers?) and pulling their man panties down just a little because they're so excited...

Speaking of being a little excited...

They're going to put humility aside and for the good of the planet, they're going to come as they are.

They're going to be dressed in nothing but the traditional panties of their nation or region.


Yeah. That. (I have no idea what the fuck he's doing either... But, he's trying to get here.)

It's aalllll about "The Underpants", bishes!! Last night? Lightning. Tonight? More lightning. And that storm will be raging through April 23rd.

So, be there or be square.

(And you don't have to wear panties at all if you don't want to. It's cool...)
