forks over knives

"Processed foods will keep us sick. Keeping us sick will keep us on Rx's... And... See the cycle? A plant based diet is where it's at."

Thank you for this, Holly! And Holly went on to say, "I've toyed with becoming vegan for years now. But, after loosing my second loved one to cancer (literally seeing them die) in 10 yrs - I couldn't do that to my family, or myself. If you haven't read The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell PhD, you should. It will open your eyes."

And another friend, Rachel, chimed in, "Exactly!!! And the China Study is a must reading for anyone who honestly cares about their health."

Thanks, you two.

And for those of you who might be interested:

And due out soon:

Will and I haven't completely cut meat out of our diet. But, we have greatly reduced our intake of much of it. We no longer eat pork (as much as I love it). And we rarely eat red meat (as much as I love it). We're trying to increase our consumption of vegetables and fruit. And we still eat chicken, turkey and fish. And you'll probably have to pull cheese and eggs from my cold, dead hands. But, I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm trying to stay informed, while doing what I can. And reducing my meat intake, for the sake of my health and that of the environment, and animals' rights as well, it's at least doing something, which is always better than doing nothing.
