Susan Boyle's Interview With Diane Sawyer (And Tea-bagging An Anchor Woman)

So, I've already proclaimed my love and admiration for Susan Boyle. And what's just fricking amazing is how much the world in cyberspace is loving her too. I think that besides her truly stunning talent, she's terribly sweet and humble. And that's just stellar.

What was more telling to me though, than her brilliance, was how cynical the judges and the audience were. And it is a glaring reminder to me that as long as we breathe, we should never, ever, ever, judge the book by its cover. It screams of how superficial we are...

So, what does Diane Sawyer do??

She fucking asks her when she's going to get a make-over.


Because "blond hair and leather" will make her so much better.

Thanks, Botox-filled to the gills, bright-ass lights Sawyer. You missed the whole point of it, bish.

Don't get me wrong. Diane Sawyer is fine, I'm sure... But, she missed it. She was too concerned about her staged intense looks and expressions of compassion to notice the significance of this WHOLE THING.

I think that we should all TEA-BAG Diane Sawyer.

And do I mean bouncing our scrotums off her bleached out hair and plastic forehead???

Why, Yes, I do.

And please, let us not limit it to just "scrotums". No way. Please feel free to bounce your vulvas if you've got 'em.


"I wouldn't want to change myself too much because that would really make things a bit false," she told CNN's American Morning on Friday. "I want to receive people as the real me, a real person."

Imagine... "A Real Person"... At a girl, Susan... At a girl. Gobsmack 'em.


Susan Boyle Is A Total Badass

"Before going on stage, Ms. Boyle admitted some self-deprecating facts about herself (she's never been kissed and lives alone with her cat, Pebbles). For those reasons and more, audiences were expecting the female William Hung. They were wrong."

And I ALWAYS love it when they're WRONG...

And as my dear friend Claudette pointed out, this speaks volumes of our superficial judgments...

If you'd like to see just how wrong they were and be blown off your feet with nothing short of truly brilliant talent, you may do so right f-ing here.


p.s. I've tried to find a video to embed here so you don't have to follow the links, but everyone is too stingy... sorry.
