You DO Have Power. Know Where Your Money Is Going...

I'm not a pacifist. Though I occasionally play one at parties. In real life, I'm not that evolved yet. One day, with much more meditation, spiritual work, hair spray and booze, I hope to be.

While I don't ever condone violence, not ever. I can hardly think of the current state of our country's government and economic sector without thinking of the movie "V for Vendetta".

I don't want anyone to die, mind you... But, I wouldn't mind seeing a few explosions.

So, in all this madness, you DO have power. You can make informed purchases. You can do your part to support fair-minded businesses.

You can browse the buyer's guide below, supplied by The Human Rights Campaign. Just move your cursor over the guide to enlarge it and literally browse the pages via the "menu" in the lower right hand corner.

Or you can download the buyer's guide for free.

How you live matters.

Analysis: Will corporate ads buy 2010 voters?


Be Prepared

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

And ready yourself. If you're not enraged, you're complacent and not paying attention. And you'll get exactly what you deserve.

How ironic, on the premise of free speech, this will be its undoing.

And people are screaming about socialism? Just wait... This is now a "legal" path to corporate fascism.

Hitler would be proud.

*** Conservatives Fight To Protect Wall Street Big Wigs
