The Health Care Criminals

"The reasons CIGNA did not want to give you your records is that they've known… way back for years that you've had cancer and they're not going to treat you."
- Jo Joshua Godfrey, CIGNA Insurance Customer, re-telling independent doctor's diagnosis

The other day, after I posted this to my Twitter and Facebook pages, a friend of mine left the following comment:

"I worked for Cigna in the mid 90's. I saw how many claims they denied back then. As a customer service rep, we were only allowed to spend 3 min per call/customer, if you spent more time you were fired. Ever try to research multiple claim denials in less than 3 min? Can't be done. Karma bus is a comin' for Hanway and his cronies."
- Holly

Is American private medicine really doing a good job?
"One of the more frequent criticisms leveled at the proposal for a U.S. public health care option is that the government would do an inadequate job in delivering health services. Embedded in that criticism is an assertion that the current private health care system is doing a good job at providing needed medical services for Americans."

SOME type of public option should be included in this health care reform. Get Involved. I'm calling my senators again. And if you're so inclined to do the same, you can find your senators' phone numbers here.

They truly are criminals. Cigna actually murders. If you think otherwise, you're fooling yourself. Denying coverage is murder. Just not at the end of a smoking gun, a baseball bat or a drunk driver's car. But, it's still murder. For profit no less. And they're getting away with it. And not only that, people are still PAYING them for it.
