Wool Light or... Shepherds Gone Wild!

This enlightening (hardy-har-har) contribution comes to us from our correspondent, Rolo. Thanks, Rolo!

It's actually quite cool. But, those poor sheep... They're probably like, "Dude. Like it's not bad enough your dogs scare the shit out of us on a regular basis... I can't even WALK by myself! OOHH NNOO, no "alone time" here. We've got to RUN everywhere to-fucking-gether.

"And then, just when we've grown our coats to where we want them and we're all toasty warm, BBUUZZZZZ.... You pervs shave it all off again 'cause you like seeing us run around nekkid in a big ole group. NNEEEAAKKKIIIDDD. Pervs.

"But no, as if this isn't all bad enough. Now, you've lit us up like Christmas trees. And then, make us run for our very lives so you can FILM it. The humiliation just never stops, does it... So, thanks for that. Thanks a lot. I suppose we should just feel fortunate that you didn't duct-tape candles to our asses to achieve the same effect, huh?"

(Copyright - The New Yorker)
