The Omo People - Fancy Danger Zones

This truly awesome contribution comes to us from our gorgeous, blue/green eyed goddess in Santa Barbara, Claudette. Thanks, Claud! I love it.

I usually find tattoos/body art intriguing, though I have none myself. But, like something that's in front of my eyes on a constant basis, while I try not to take beauty for granted, it eventually loses something for me... If I were to be honest, I appreciate something more when it's temporary, impermanent. And living back in four distinct seasons is reminding me of this... A celebration of the moment seems more clear, more distinctive. When I look out the window, or am in the garden, the light and the colors and hues are hardly the same way twice.

Anyway, that's why I find this body art of the "Omo People" so stunning. Besides its raw, natural beauty, it's fleeting... and will never be the same twice.

And of course, they adorn their boobs and peeps too, which is always fun.
