Tiananmen Square - 20 Years Later

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“We were assured there would be no legal consequences if we opened fire,” Mr. Chen recalled in an interview on Tuesday. “My only hope was that the students would not put up a fight.” - Chen Guang, 37, a Beijing painter, was a soldier in Tiananmen in 1989 has created a series of works based on his photographs of the incident.

Now granted, China hasn't come very far in its stance on Human Rights, given what happened in Tibet last Spring and Summer before their bullshit Olympics. I still can't believe that the World just stood by and said crap like, "Ohh... We can't boycott or anything because that will just hurt the athletes."

Were we going to KILL our athletes in protest? Is THAT what we were going to do?? So... China can just go ahead and MURDER Tibetan monks and nuns and we don't want to upset our athletes??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? That whole thing was such a crock... Licensed genocide, is what it was...

But, if I can calm my ass down, looking back on other issues, I really never thought I'd see gay marriage legalized in any State. Nor did I think there was a possibility in the near future of the U.S. having a President that was half black and half white, let alone how unbelievably intelligent and logical the man is...

And looking back to even when I was a kid, did you ever really think that the Berlin Wall would come down? Or that the Eastern Bloc countries would fall? OR the Soviet Union for that matter? Now granted, there's a host of other problems with the aftermath of Russia, but still...

Or how about just having a little phone that sits in your hand, that you can type tiny words on, then SEND them into space and they actually go to a place that you want them to... without wires.

And yes, there are a whole other set of issues now, but I think that we should dwell in possibility. I know I'm going to... Or I'm going to try anyway. Because that image of one man standing in front of a line of tanks will get me every time... Every. Time.

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..." - John Lennon
