The Incomparable Stolbergs And "Spanish For Your Nanny"

So, a week ago Sunday, I was fortunate to have lunch with Debra and Kip Stolberg and their adorable daughter down in Hollywood.

Will and I met Deb and Kip a couple of years ago at one of L.A. Daddy's hip and sexy parties down in the Hollywood Hills.

Speaking of hip and sexy, here's a pic that Will manage to take of Deb at the last party we saw them at,


There simply is no equal. And those lips? Eat your heart out, Angelina... We're talking all-weather traction on those bad-boys. (Deb wasn't wearing any clothes in this photo in case you were wondering...)

Deb and Kip are a VERY funny couple. And very easy to be around. When we were having lunch, and the server told us the special, she said that the salad came with a little Italian on the side. Immediately, Deb turned to us and said, "Umm... When I think 'little Italian', and instantly our minds went to work and within seconds the waitress had to endure us guffawing over one another with images that we had conjured up of a tiny Italian standing on our shoulder spouting off, "YO! YOU GONNA EAT DAT?? BA-DA-BING! BA-DA-BOOM!! What about dat? You gonna eat DAT? I'M HUNGRY, BITCH! DAMN!!"

We, of course, thought it was hysterical. And forgot that we were even in a restaurant at the time. We looked up through our tears to see the server staring at us like, "Jesus... You guys are stupid."

We happen to think that it was rather brilliant.

Well, Tim from L.A. Daddy, Deb and Kip are all a part of Monkey With a Shotgun.

Here's Kip when he was working undercover for the C.I.A. or the K.G.B, or the Z.O.O. I'm not sure which... I just know that those days in Bogota were scary times.

And here's Deb.

When she held a puppy hostage. You can read about these crazy-crazies here.

To remind you what she looks like without the puppy:

SEE??? JUST LOOK AT HER (you should see her naked, talking about "BA-DA-BING! BA-DA-BOOM!").

Matchless and timeless. Just like Liz Taylor. But, not really. Actually, quite different. Liz is almost dead, so nevermind...

Anyway, here is one of their masterpieces: "SPANISH FOR YOUR NANNY"

Written and directed by Debra Stolberg. You know, the one with the puppy and those movie-star all-weather traction lips.
