
I saw a bumper sticker the other day and it said, "Remember Who You Wanted To Be."

It was a statement, not a question.

Although, I heard it in my mind as a question.

And so I wondered...

I'm not sure WHO I've ever wanted to BE. But, I think for the most part, I can say what I've wanted to be...



Oui? Or non?


Well...Maybe for the most part I've wanted to be a...


How AWESOME would that be?? The Second Coming and I'd be all, "DAT'S RIGHT, FOOLS! I'M BACK AND I'M BLACK! ALL YOU MUTHA-FUCKAS BETTA RECOGNIZE!! ALL YOU CHUMPS ACTIN' ALL CRAZY AND SHIT!! KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF, BISHES! Sshhiitttt...Now hand me that Colt45 and stop the hatin'! Dang."

If there ever was (or is) a Second Coming, we'll (we'd) never know, 'cause we'd kill him all over again.

So, where was I before all of this tomfoolery took hold of me?

Ahh yes, I was talking about what I've wanted to be...

A pavilion. At the end of a pier wouldn't be so bad...

I could provide shelter for those seeking shade from a scorching Sun. Or shelter from the rain.

They could stand under my roof, in safety as they contemplate cool, still waters that calm their spirits into lullaby.

They would look forward to reaching me as a destination as they walked down the pier.

And would remember me with fondness when they depart...

But, my presence would be barely noticed. Almost taken for granted. Unconscious, in appreciation.

And yes, a big tropical storm or hurricane could come flying through and wipe me out, it always does to the best of us, even if it's under the quiet cloak of time...

But yeah, I've wanted to be a shelter...

For those who've needed it. And for those who don't. And I hope that there have been moments when I have been. And I hope that there are moments when I will be.

And more than anything, I'll be here. And I'll keep trying.