Celebrating Our Goddess, MOTHER EARTH

Mother Earth in all her glory.

We're apart of her, this god that we stand on and lie upon and LIVE from. The only god that we KNOW that exists for sure.

We fight and kill and destroy over what we think might be next. And in the meantime, we're living blasphemy upon our Mother...Truly.

But, as destructive as the human can be, we're also capable of IMMENSE love and beauty. And I see it demonstrated often.

One of the biggest favors that I feel that we can do for ourselves is to shed the false constructed reality of our insignificance.

To DE-construct it. Because it's not true.

We make a difference whether we like it or not.

So, I plan to be bold, have faith and courage. And I plan to live my life to my last breath in the hopes that I'll leave this place better.

And I hope that you'll join me. Because I could use some company.

Will and I were talking the other day about how we think that George W. and Dick Cheney, their families AND the entire cabinet and their families should all be sent over to Iraq for the duration of our occupation. I think that sounds fair.

Last Wednesday that asshole George W. was up to his same old stupid bullshit;

"Rather than staking out a set of ambitious goals for America to strive for, the President argued that the United States should do nothing about global warming until 2025. I can't believe he said it with a straight face.

Please sign my petition to President Bush now -- tell him to stand up and join the fight to stop global warming!"

- Senator Barbara Boxer

"Senator McCain wants to raise oil company profits by another 18 cents per gallon -- by eliminating the federal gas tax without guaranteeing that Big Oil won't just keep prices high and take the difference to grow their record profits even more.

That's the same old outdated politics of the past.

If John McCain really wants to put money back in our pockets, he needs to take it out of Big Oil's. That means voting to cut their subsidies and using that money to help build the clean energy economy.

Will you sign the petition to tell Senator McCain to end giveaways to Big Oil and invest in clean, renewable energy?

Senator McCain is not alone. Republican Senators like Mitch McConnell, Pete Domenici and others are blocking efforts to take back billions in taxpayer-funded giveaways to Big Oil in order to invest in clean, renewable energy."

- The Sierra Club

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It's really not; "WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!"

We already do. What kind of difference do you make?