Shitting on Heaven
You may have seen the below pics of a dude snorkeling near a Whale Shark off Mexico. I hate how fucking stupid the writer was saying, "A diver is almost swallowed by a giant whale shark!"
No, he wasn't, asshole. They eat plankton. That thing didn't want to swallow him just as much as he didn't want to be swallowed. Like that's just a giant vacuum cleaner. We act like other creatures are so fucking stupid that they don't know what they're doing. So far, the only ones I've seen that don't know what they're doing is us.
So, besides the retarded captions that went along with these incredible pics, the photos in and of themselves are beautiful. And the captions should've been deleted. But, then again, we wouldn't have found out how stupid that writer was.
Uh oh! Be careful, assholes... He has NO IDEA you're even there. He's probably going to swallow all y'all and yer all gonna come flyin' out his hole.
Seeing how literally unbelievable this creature is... (After all, it's not computer generated. It's actually A-L-I-V-E.) It reminds me that no matter how hard we try, we will NEVER match what nature, the universe, creation and evolution, whatever you want to call it, and whatever "IT" is, we will NEVER create something as magnificent and truly miraculous as where we actually live.
We LIVE here, bishes. Among gods and goddesses of all sorts and shapes and colors and sizes... We're alloted a short amount of time, to live in a paradise. It really is all around us. Every day. Every single day.
And I really wish we'd start acting like it.
Get involved. How you live matters.
*** URGENT: Help Stop Mother of All Anti-Environmental Bills!
*** Stop the Extinction Rider in Its Tracks! The terrible Interior Appropriations Bill is headed to the floor of the House of Representatives. Among many other anti-conservation provisions, the Extinction Rider contained in this bill would prevent new protections under the Endangered Species Act for animals at risk of extinction.