Carlie From Elba, Nebraska
"Hi!! I'm Carlie From Elba, Nebraska. . and .i'm .22 y.o. .I .like .movies and TV shows. And also i... I love .men.. If .you want to see more. - click here.;).
We .are .always so .wet with my .girlfriends when chatting there! You gonna be amazed how quick you get laid, lol:).).) come on.!.:).
Damn, I haven't had good cock in my mouth for ages..."
Dear Carlie,
Thank you so much for writing. I'm sorry to read that you didn't graduate from Pre-school. And that you're a filthy whore.
First of all, sweetheart, you used too many periods. Unless you're trying to be different by just occasionally dropping periods in the middle of sentences. But see, you're already so original by just alternating using lower-case on your I's. And dropping in a couple of one-eyed smiles. Which leads me to wonder, does one of your eyeballs pop out sometimes when you smile? Carlie, you're so edgy. You really turn me on.
And when you say, "We are always so wet with my girlfriends" (with all those extra fucking periods), do you mean you and your computer? Or do you mean you and your furburger? Who the hell is "We"??
And Carlie, I BET I'm "gonna be amazed" at how quickly I get laid, when you're in Nebraska. Let me guess, you teleport too. You're incredible. You. Complete. Me.
And Carlie, listen sweety...I remember how slowly time seems to go when you're younger. When you say, "Damn, I haven't had good cock in my mouth for ages...". Well, "Ages" at 22 years old is really 5 minutes in real adult time.
So, don't worry, I'm sure there's another one right around the corner.