Saving Whales Is Hot...

Guess who thinks saving whales is hot?

Me and Sharon Stone.

But, before I elaborate on all of that, do you know how Whales evolved? They were originally land animals, which just freaks my melon OUT!! Isn't that seriously cool? Fucking blows my dome and makes me hot, dude.

Gets me growling and makes my peep-erectus.

"We only have until end of the day to submit Official Citizen's Comments to protect whales against the Bush Administration's plan to unleash an onslaught of Low-Frequency Active (LFA) sonar throughout the world's oceans." (The letter has already been written for you, all you have to do, if you're so inclined, is to sign and click "Send".)

"The American people have rejected it. The federal courts have ruled against it.

But the U.S. Navy won't take NO for an answer. It's bringing back a sonar system so powerful it can impact whales 300 miles away with its ear-splitting noise. Its effects are so far-reaching -- and so unknown -- it could threaten the survival of entire populations of marine mammals.

Right now the Navy wants to deploy this LFA sonar system across a staggering 70 percent of the world's oceans."

If you'd like to Submit Your Official Citizen Comment?

Sharon and I will think you're SO hot.

The Evolution of My Halloween Costume; Post # 5

And we thank you.

The Evolution of My Halloween Costume; Post # 5

Our fur burgers thank you.