A Devil Republican in Sheep's Clothing or A Guy With Red Eyes In A Really Bad Lamb's Costume

The campaign for high-profile California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina has released an attack ad against one of her Republican primary opponents that just might be the most bizarre in American political history, one that's already being called everything from "terrifying" to "psychedelic." (Source)

"Terrifying", if you're two years old and retarded.

And "psychedelic", if you're Keith Richards.

Otherwise, it's so silly and weird that it's hysterical.

(At about 2:27 is when the hilarity ensues.)

WHO thought that this costume was a good idea? Like, who directed this??

Carly Fiorina Web Video Sparks Mockery

Actually, I have to say, as bizarre as this campaign ad is, it certainly caught people's attention.

So, if I were Carly Fiorina, I'd be owning that shit. I'd be all quoting P.T. Barnum, "I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right."

*** Thank you to Jenny, The Bloggess, for tweeting about Dr. Devil Sheep. Thanks, baby! And now, I want that costume.
