Big Ass Moon Tonight, Bishes

This moon. (source)

Not this kind. Although, I do highly recommend mooning every chance you get no matter what age you are. And at inappropriate times are the BEST. Funerals, for instance. And preferably at strangers. And at a stranger's funeral would be perfect.

Biggest and Brightest Full Moon of 2010 Tonight

FULL MOON AND MARS: Friday night's full Moon is the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year. It's a "perigee Moon," as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than other full Moons you'll see later in 2010. But that's not all. Mars is having a close encounter with Earth, and on Friday night, Jan. 29th, it will join the Moon for an all-night-long conjunction.

Sky map and images may be found here.

So, look for this one.


This one.

(Thanks for the heads-up on this, Janice! Get it? "HEADS-UP"? See? HA! Get it? "SEE"? HA... HA.... HO.... aaahhhh.... yeah. Okay. Bye now.)
